Our Story
A College bound student exploring choices!
It all started several parents and their High School sons and daughters started to explore choices after graduation. While we could find lots of information about colleges (cost, graduation rates, earnings, and so on), we could not find any way to effectively evaluate the choices from a real world perspective. We found a common perception that College is a good choice, and nothing to help someone understand when it was not, or what should be done to make your college choice better. We set out to develop College Compareer to help parents, students, educators and others understand the real choices available.
Our Focus
Understand the financial implications
This is not the place to do basic research on what schools you might like to attend. This is the place where you compare your choices financially. Since we could not find a tool that properly address the question of what Colleges and Majors were worth pursuing. We set out to find data that reflects the real costs, what one could really earn, and other facts that could really help you understand the economic reality of your choices after High School. If College is a good choice for you, we help you make it a better investment. If it’s not, we help you explore alternatives.
Our Analytic Approach
A Tool to evaluate your choices
We start with the best data we can find. Many of the facts and statistics used in our models come from the National Center For Education Statistics Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System. Participating universities and colleges contribute data regularly to this massive national database collection and syndication resource. We augment this data with a variety of other sources which reflect real world investment parameters, such as tax rates, salaries earned by graduates of those institutions, and so on. We developed our own model based on a methodology that investors use for evaluating investments, which combines all these variables and gives you a great starting point for understanding your choices economically.
Use College Comparison Tool to Compare Your College Choices Now!